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Around the Word provides teaching, insight, and resources for the curious Christian. We publish a weekly devotional page, a weekly Bible Study, and regular articles all designed to encourage, comfort, and teach the Lord's doctrine. The devil's assaults on our faith and families is relentless, but we fight against him with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, by which we are kept in the one true faith.
If you would like to support the work, click the donate button here. Regular donations, even of a small amount, help us plan to bring you more.
Thank You, and Lord's Blessings,
Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, Editor, Around the Word
If you would like to support the work, click the donate button here. Regular donations, even of a small amount, help us plan to bring you more.
Thank You, and Lord's Blessings,
Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, Editor, Around the Word